
Understanding Dyslexia in Non-Latin Alphabet Languages



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Course Overview

Course Description: The course “Understanding Dyslexia in Non-Latin Alphabet Languages” offers a comprehensive exploration of dyslexia within the context of languages that do not use the Latin alphabet. Dyslexia, a learning disorder affecting reading and writing skills, presents unique challenges in languages characterized by different writing systems, such as Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari, and many others.

Designed for educators, parents, and professionals working with individuals who struggle with dyslexia in non-Latin alphabet languages, this course provides valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance literacy interventions and support for dyslexic learners.

Throughout the course, participants will gain a deep understanding of the nature of dyslexia and its manifestation in languages with diverse writing systems. They will explore the impact of language-specific characteristics on dyslexia identification, assessment, and intervention strategies, while also considering cultural and contextual factors that influence dyslexia support.

What You'll Learn?

  • By the end of this course, participants will have developed a comprehensive understanding of dyslexia within the framework of non-Latin alphabet languages. They will be equipped with a range of evidence-based strategies, tools, and resources to provide targeted support and inclusive learning environments for individuals with dyslexia in diverse linguistic contexts.
  • Join us on this transformative journey to enhance your knowledge, empower your teaching practices, and make a positive impact on the lives of dyslexic individuals in non-Latin alphabet language communities.
  • Teacher
  • Educators
  • Parents
  • Duration 3
  • Skill Experts
  • Last Update July 4, 2023