
More informations about dyslexia

Dyslexia and the language of science

Dyslexia and the Language of Science

Exploring the intricate relationship between dyslexia and the language of science and how the barriers to understanding are way deeper than we anticipated. This article delves into the challenges faced by individuals with dyslexia in navigating the realms of science, mathematics, and language. The key focus lies in understanding how dyslexia intersects with the unique […]

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dyslexia in education

Lost in Translation: Dyslexia and Science’s Language Barrier

What is the connection between dyslexia and science education? Lost In Translation: Dyslexia And The Deep Connection With Science’s Language Barrier   Hey there, fellow knowledge seekers! Today, I want to dive into a fascinating topic that’s close to my heart: the relationship between dyslexia and learning physics and math. As someone who has experienced

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Protecting Your Child Online: Unveiling Predators and Empowering Parents

The safety of our children, both offline and online, is a paramount concern. Disturbing statistics reveal the prevalence of sexual abuse and assault, with a significant number of victims being children. As someone who has personally experienced the devastating effects of such abuse, I am acutely aware of the need to protect our children from

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Gaslighting in Education: How Educators Navigate Manipulation from Parents

In our daily lives, we often encounter people who try to deceive us or take advantage of us. Gaslighting, one of the most common forms of manipulation, can occur in various settings such as work, family, or even in education. Gaslighting often disguises itself as an apology, but it’s important to distinguish between a genuine

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